Friday, August 28, 2015

Flower Water Bath - Wash away negative energy

Have you ever experienced a time when you swear the world has turned against you? Or have a bad day when everything that could go wrong did go wrong? When we start our day in a negative way, if we do not change our state of mind, very often we find that bad luck follows us through out the day or week or even month.

There are some fortunate and strong-willed people who could calm themselves down and immediately change their state of mind to good thoughts, that bad luck cycle will easily break.

For those of us who are needs a little more help in that direction can try the Flower Water Bath.

    (Picture adopted from :

Preparation :

  • Prepare fresh fragrant flowers (choose as many colours as you can, but stay away from white flowers)
  • Remove the stems and leaves, use only the petals
  • Prepare a paper bag or plastic bag for disposal of the petals (after bath)
    (Picture adopted from : 

Ritual (with bathtub) :

  1. Fill the bathtub with warm water
  2. Sprinkle the fresh flowers in the tub
  3. Allow the flowers to soak in the tub for 5 minutes
  4. Get in the tub and soak for 15 minutes (or longer if you want to relax further)
  5. Close your eyes, take in deep breaths to relax your mind, note the fragrance of the flowers and meditate on (or simply think of) something happy 
  6. When you have finished bathing, collect the flowers, place them in the paper bag and dispose of them. As you throw them away, imagine the bad luck being thrown away with the flowers.
Ritual (without bathtub) :
  1. Fill a basin with water
  2. Sprinkle the fresh flowers in the basin
  3. Place the basin under the sun for an hour. This will allow the water to soak up the positive energy from the sun and the flowers.
  4. Bring the basin to the bathroom and use a washcloth to bath in the flower-energised water. As you bathe, concentrate on a patch of light emanating from the center of your forehead. Allow this light to spread all over your body.
  5. When you have finished bathing, collect the flowers, place them in the paper bag and dispose of them. As you throw them away, imagine the bad luck being thrown away with the flowers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Four Leaf Clover - Grow your own Luck

Genuine four leaf-clovers (at least the ones considered lucky) are uncommon mutation (or rather variation) of the more common three-leaf clovers (White Clover) which are considered the original Shamrock (trifolium repens). It has been estimated that the odds of finding a four leaf-clover in nature is 10,000 to 1, if you can find one, that would certainly mean that you are lucky! Since early days in Ireland, they have been used as Celtic charms with each leaf representing something different; First Leaf - Faith, Second Leaf - Hope, Third Leaf - Love and Four Leaf - Luck.

Many have sold other leaves as the lucky clovers, and the average consumer wouldn't know the difference. Pepperwort (Marsilea Quadrifolia), Water Clover (Marsilea Polycarpa) and Oxalis (Oxalis deppei or Oxalis tetraphylla) are plants that produce four leaves clovers naturally. In my opinion, you require more luck to find a 3 leaf clover on these plants.

    (Picture adopted from

In Singapore, where I am from, clovers are not grown abundantly in the wild, so I didn't have the option of "accidentally" finding a lucky clover on my way to work. Instead, I decided to grow my own clovers and thus increasing the opportunity of finding luck on my own balcony.

With a little research on the wonderful magic web, the following has been compiled for your easy reference.

Preparation :
  1. Moist, well-drained soil mix
  2. Pot 
  3. Seeds (Place seeds in the refrigerator for 24 hrs prior to planting, it will trick the seeds to 

Planting :
  • Place seeds in the refrigerator for 24 hours (process known as the stratification), it helps trigger the germination process
  • Fill 3/4 of the pot with soil mix 
  • Sprinkle the clover seeds
  • Top up the pot with a thin layer of soil mix
  • Place the pot in a well-lit location
  • Water the plants whenever the soil gets dry 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Balloons - bring my wish to the sky

For centuries, sky lanterns (天灯)were released into the night sky to pray / wish for safety and blessings. 

A modern twist to that ritual is the releasing of wish fulfilling balloons. I first learned of this ritual from a book by a successful feng-shui master in Malaysia, Lillian Too, "Lillian Too's irresistible feng shui magic". 

The Chinese, since the ancient times, had believed that Dragons are celestial creatures that possess supernatural powers. It is also believed that dragons fly upwards and the soaring chi of the sky dragons have the power to propel all your wishes into the cosmos.

    (Picture adopted from

Preparation :

  • Find a time when you are least distracted to sit and write down your wish / wishes on a piece of paper. If you are doing this as a family or with friends, I will strongly suggest that each member be in a separate room (or at least in a different part of a room) or during different times. List each wish as specific as you can, example : If you are wishing for a life partner, state the important aspects, be it physical appearance, financial security, ability to cook, etc. If you are wishing for a new career, state what you want, be it location, benefits, scope of work, etc. Do keep in mind that little space are available on the balloons, so word the wishes carefully.
  • Purchase bright coloured helium filled balloons, one for each wish. Bright colours like red, yellow, white, pink, lavender are associated with yang energy, dark colours like black, blue and green are associated with yin energy, therefore do not use dark coloured balloons. You want to release yang energy (not yin energy) to the universe to help bring true your wishes.

To perform the ritual, choose a day when the sky is clear and pick a time when you are able to look up to the sky comfortably without feeling the glare from the bright sun.

Ritual :

  1. Using a felt-tip pen, carefully write one wish on one balloon. 
  2. Close your eyes and concentrate on that wish for a moment.
  3. Open your eyes, gently let go of the balloon, keeping your eyes on the balloon while it raises to the sky.
  4. As the balloon vanishes into the sky, envision the energy of your wish being carried into the universe and cosmos.
  5. Have faith and feel joy of the wish being fulfilled in your heart.

Repeat Step 1 to 5 of the ritual for each wish / balloon until all your balloons have been released. It is important that you perform the ritual sequentially for each balloon e.g. DO NOT perform Step 1 for 3 balloons, then Step 2 for 3 balloons , then Step 3 for 3 balloons. etc.

After the entire ritual is completed, let go of all anticipations and forget about the wishes you have made. Keep the joy you felt when you envision the wish coming true. You will be pleasantly surprised at effective this ritual is. If you worry about your wishes and fret about them, the negative energy you emit will obstruct the good coming to you.

This ritual is fun and safe, I have used it to introduce the "Power of Attraction" to little children and it had worked wonders. So go have fun and may all your wishes come true!